Sunday 2 October 2016


Second battle of  Tarain or second battle of Tarori took place  in 1192 at a village named Tarain nearby an ancient place Thanesar ,almost likely 150 miles north of Delhi,India. This Battle was fought between Prithviraj Chauhan an eminent Rajput ruler of his time and Muhammad Ghori also known as Muhammad of Ghor.The battle resulted in dicisive victory of muslim forces over the great  Rajput  confederacy.

After the defeat of Ghori in first battle of Tarain in 1191, Ghori , in order to set out  a revenge from Prithviraj Chauhan and also to fulfill his ambitions of expediting his rulership ,moved with his cavalary for an invasion against Chauhan.He moved towards Bhatinda  once again,where he had  confronted Rjaput soldiers over the past.Learning from his past defeat,he carved out a better Strategical blueprint this time.He revolutionized all of his millitary formations and comprehended all of the millitary tactics used by Rajput's.while reaching Lahore on his way of expedition,he sent an evoy to Prithiviraj Chauhan  and gave him a peremptory order to surrender to his terms. some sources are also indicative of fact that he instructed Prithviraj to convert his religion to Muslim as a pre effective condition to save himself from a relentless and unappeasable destruction. Sensing this maneuver,Chauhan fervently summoned several Rajput ruler to form a confederacy  to resist Ghori. Almost likely 150 Ruput's  joined their hands together.

Jaichand,a ruler of kanuj kingdom of Gahadwala dynasty clan,didn't helped Prathiviraj Chauhan instead he joined hands with Ghori and the reason being,when jaichand become one of the powerful ruler of North India ,he decided to conduct a symbolic sacrifice(Ashvamedha yajna) to declare his supremacy.Prithviraj , a rival king, did not  accept his suzerainity. Jaichand was cousin of Prithviraj,their mothers were sisters belonging from Tomara clan . Jaichand found out that his Daughter samyogita and Prithviraj were in Jaichand insulted Prithviraj by erecting a statue that depicted him as a doorkeeper of his palace. Jaichand also decided to hold Swyamwara (a ritual for a women to choose her husband) for his daughter. But during Swayamwara his daughter placed garland on prithviraj's statue.subsequently,angry Prithviraj raided Jaichand's palace ,and later eloped with  his Daughter Samyogita against his wishes .Thus , Prithviraj and Jaichand become sworn enemies and this enmity concreted furthur with Jaichand confederated with Ghori in battle.

Unlike last time(first battle of tarain) Ghori divided his army into 5 divisions in which one was kept reserved with approximately 12,000 men.According to "Firihista"or "Ferishta"full name Muhammad Qasim Hindu Shah  a Persian historian ,The Rajput Army had over 3000 elephants and about 300,000 infantry and cavalry. According to Minhaj al siraj,full name Abu Osman Minhajuddin bin Sirajuddin,  who was a 13th-century Persian historian,Ghori's army had 120,000 fully armoured man. Ghori knew that Raput's were master of melee war tactics so unlike last time he avoided it,instead 4  divisions of his  army attacked the rear and flank of the rajput's formation .The flank attack was quite appreciably retaliated by Rajput's while 5th division of reserve  12000 men  provocated a feign attack and since they were unused till that point of time,they acted heavily on rajput's ,which scattered them and ultimately became the reason for losing of Rajput's.prithviraj on finding no help from his commanders due to thier engagement in other fronts of battle field, came down from his Elephant and try to escape on a Horse but due to unfortunate turn of events,he was captured and promptly executed.

Post war, Rajput's  political prestige suffered a serious setback.
It led Delhi and Ajmer ruled by Ghori. He left Qutub-ud-din aibak as his commander  of his reign in India.It  paved the way for furthur conquest in India by Muslims.
It reflected the ununifying characters of Indian rulers to the outsiders.
In 1193 Ghori killed Jaichand in chandawar.Between 1192 and 1206,The Turkish rule had extended over to the Gangetic plains of Bihar and Bengal.This timline is also said to be the establishment of first Muslim empire in India.


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